Land rentals on Aerilon are now available to residents of Caprica Virtual Worlds

Land rentals on Aerilon are now available to residents of Caprica Virtual Worlds

Land rentals on Aerilon are now available to residents of Caprica Virtual Worlds.

As of the day this news was published, residents of Caprica Virtual Worlds can rent land on Aerilon for free.
Unlike private Gemenon, all avatars have access to Aerilon, including avatars from other Grids.

Only residents of Caprica Virtual Worlds can rent lands on Aerilon.

To rent land and rezzing objects on Aerilon, you must be a member of the “Aerilon Residents” group (available by invitation) and have a “Residents” tag.  Don’t forget to start the timer to indicate that the land is yours. To do this, click on the green sign located on your land.

The updated Aerilon meets our standards for speed and reliability. We have tried to make your stay at Aerilon comfortable.
If you don’t already have an avatar in Caprica Virtual Worlds, you can register here:

proceed to registration